5 Ways of  Increasing Patient Engagement Through The Social Listening Skills on NetbaseQuid


Patient engagement is essential for healthcare providers to provide quality care. Active listening can be a powerful tool for increasing patient engagement. Active listening is actively engaging with the patient by showing that you understand and empathize with what they are saying. NetbaseQuid is an institution that is engaged in improving patient engagement. Here are 5 ways of increasing patient engagement through active listening:

1. Increased accountability and integrity levels

Patient engagement is increased by having the healthcare provider actively listening to the patient, taking responsibility for their actions, and being honest. Patients will be more likely to trust the provider and feel comfortable discussing their health if their concerns are being taken seriously. As a result, there is increased accountability and integrity levels.

Accountability can be achieved when the healthcare provider listens to the patient and takes responsibility for their actions. This demonstrates that the provider is committed to providing quality care. On the other hand, integrity is achieved when the provider remains honest and transparent throughout the process. Therefore, caregiving institutions need to understand the existing gap in the market and ensure the two entities are connected and mutually beneficial.

2. Active engagement in decision-making

Active listening is a crucial component of engagement. Healthcare providers should actively engage with the patient to ensure that they are being heard and their preferences are being taken into consideration. This will help foster an environment of trust and understanding between the provider and patient, leading to better decisions for both parties.

By actively engaging in decision-making, healthcare providers respect patients’ autonomy and value their opinions. This can be achieved through open dialogue, asking clarifying questions, and providing necessary feedback. Moreover, active engagement allows patients to feel more confident in their decisions, as they know they have been listened to and taken into consideration.

3. Developing an effective communication strategy

Developing an effective communication strategy is key to increasing engagement. Healthcare providers should focus on creating an environment where patients feel comfortable and safe expressing themselves. This can be achieved by using language that is easy to understand, avoiding jargon, and allowing for open dialogue. Additionally, it’s important for healthcare providers to remain attentive and present during conversations with patients.

Moreover, healthcare providers should aim to provide personalized care tailored to each patient’s needs. This can be done by developing a communication plan that considers the patient’s age, background, culture, and lifestyle. By doing so, healthcare providers are committed to providing quality care tailored to the patient’s specific needs.

4. Listening and responding to feedback

Listening and responding to feedback is essential for providing patient-centered care. Healthcare providers should actively listen to the patient’s concerns, questions, and suggestions to provide the best possible care. This can be achieved by asking open-ended questions and engaging in active dialogue with the patient. Additionally, healthcare providers should be aware of their body language when speaking with patients, as this can convey a sense of understanding or disregard depending on how it is used.

Moreover, healthcare providers should consider any feedback provided by patients to improve their services. Feedback helps healthcare providers identify areas where they need improvement and allows them to make necessary changes.

5. Using digital tools

Using digital tools is an effective way of increasing engagement. Digital tools allow for faster communication between healthcare providers and patients and better access to data that can be used to inform decisions. This can include using mobile apps, electronic health records, telehealth platforms, and other technologies that allow for quicker communication and easier access to medical information. Additionally, digital tools can help improve the quality of care by providing real-time feedback and suggestions based on the patient’s needs.

In conclusion, engaging the patient is essential for providing quality care. By actively listening to patients and responding accordingly, developing an effective communication strategy, listening and responding to feedback, and using digital tools, healthcare providers can increase patient engagement and ensure they are providing the best possible care.

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