4 Common Examples of Academic Misconducts


Academic misconduct is something that many students often either overlook or don’t know how to recognize, with consequences such as a low grade, an academic dishonesty stamp on their transcripts, and sometimes even expulsion from the institution. It’s easy to see how this can be confusing for both first-time offenders and those who’ve never committed any infractions before. In these trying times, maybe an education lawyer for academic misconduct can help you give better clarity over certain things.

A lawyer for academic misconduct can also act as an advocate during the hearing. There are several kinds of dishonesty in academia, such as plagiarism, cheating on an exam or test, and lying about a research project. 

We will now see the 4 most common examples of academic misconduct.

  1. Forging a professor’s signature

There are some instances wherein students forge a professor’s signature on their academic documents just to earn credits or to be exempted from doing some assignments. This is one of the most common cases of academic misconduct and usually results in expulsion from the school, a permanent mark on the transcript, and in some cases, arrest.

  1. Using unauthorized materials during an exam

There are some instances wherein students bring unauthorized materials into the examination halls, probably to boost their chances of passing the test or just as a means to cheat. In some cases, they may even use these during the test itself. This is another common cause of academic misconduct with serious consequences that might lead to expulsion from the institution that one is studying in.

  1. Posting, selling, or distributing lecture notes, handouts, or any other information drafted by a professor for commercial purposes

There are some cases wherein students post or distribute notes taken from the lectures by professors for commercial purposes. This is one of the most common cases wherein students commit academic misconduct. You can easily see the consequences of this in that you may be expelled from your school or at the very least, get a warning from your professor.

  1. Plagiarism of assignments

There are types of assignments wherein students plagiarize the other person’s work and turn it in as their own. This is a very serious form of academic misconduct that can lead to expulsion, suspension, or other consequences, depending on the school’s policies on plagiarism. If you are caught doing this, the penalties might be much more serious than you think.

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